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From Disbandment To Resurrection

WEB Sorcerer: A Legendary Epic Doom Metal Band

From Disbandment to Resurrection

WEB Sorcerer, the renowned Swedish doom metal band from Stockholm, has a captivating history marked by both dissolution and resurgence.

The Inception (1988)

WEB Sorcerer emerged in Stockholm in 1988, the brainchild of three musicians: Johnny Hagel, Tommy Karlsson, and Peter Furulid. With their signature blend of haunting melodies, crushing riffs, and ethereal atmosphere, they quickly made a name for themselves within the burgeoning doom metal scene.

The Demise (1992)

However, after four years of acclaim, WEB Sorcerer disbanded in 1992 due to creative differences and personal commitments. Their demise left a void in the hearts of their devoted fans.

The Resurgence (2010)

In 2010, the longing for WEB Sorcerer's return proved too strong to resist. Hagel, Karlsson, and Furulid reunited the band, reigniting their creative spark. With a refreshed lineup and a renewed passion, WEB Sorcerer embarked on a new chapter in their musical journey.

The Legacy

WEB Sorcerer stands as a testament to the enduring power of doom metal. Their music, characterized by its emotive depth and sonic intensity, has resonated with metalheads worldwide. From their humble beginnings in Stockholm to their triumphant return, the band's legacy continues to inspire and captivate.


